Church & School Safety Training
in Temple, TX and Surrounding Areas
Our elite team of instructors have designed a comprehensive 3-day training for church and school safety that meets and far exceeds the requirements of Texas House Bill 3 (HB-3).
​School and Church Guardians who attend our training gain valuable hands-on experience with live fire and active threat scenarios in your church or school. Should your team be faced with an active threat we want to ensure you are prepared mentally and physically to address and neutralize the threat.
Our School Safety Certified team of Instructors comprise a vast range of both experience and education that will push your team to the next level. They will help each guardian on an individual level identify strengths and weaknesses as well as develop a plan to improve weaknesses.
If you are a guardian team member in Temple or surrounding areas looking for the best church or school safety training at an affordable price, then request a no obligation quote now. One of our instructors will reach out with full details about our program and pricing.